Monday, August 22, 2005

hApPy BiRtHdAy!

today was gareth's birthday! when he woke up and left for work he totally forgot it was his day, so i said..."hey guess what? its your birthday!!!" and he said..."hey, it is!" so hopefully that put a smile on his face as he goes to work. the rest of the day i planned on surprising him with something nice. in the afternoon i made him a big cookie and put 27 candles on it. i involved his friends colin and barry in my scheme. we went to walmart and i got gareth some more gifts to open (since i let him open my original presents already because i didn't think i was going to be here) so i got him a set of martini glasses, and barry suggested getting him some Legos. so i ended up getting him 2 of these really cool lego sets that are like knights with swords and shields, they looked sweet. i also made a sign out of posterboard and pasta that said happy birthday, and we blew up about 50 balloons and scattered them everywhere. barry and colin bought him a children's size bat and ball that talks when you swing. i felt bad when i asked gareth if they did anything for him at work..he said they forgot, and the phone didn't ring either wishing him happy birthday from his family after he got home. his grandmother did send him a card, and his aunt gave him a gift card at the wedding along with his other grandparents. i'm glad i did something for him, it makes me sad to think if i wasn't here he'd be alone for his birthday :( thanks to colin and barry, we pulled off something really fun. i hope gareth liked his day :) More pics.


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